1. Leave bandage on for 1-2 hours.
2. Remove bandage and wash tattoo with
CLEAN hands and antibacterial soap using
water as warm as you can stand.
3. PAT dry with clean towel and let air dry.
4. Apply a SMALL amount of Hustlebutter,
Aquaphor, Aveeno Baby Lotion or other
that doesn’t contain aloe, lanolin or lipids.
Try to apply lotion on
healing tattoo as often as needed.
5. DO NOT pick, scratch or soak tattoo in
water while its healing. No baths, hottubs
or fresh or saltwater.
6. KEEP out of direct sunlight. Once
healed, use sunblock to prevent
tattoo from fading.
7. Tattoos heal best when they are allowed
to breathe and heal from within. This means that you
should only use enough lotion/cream to
8. If you MUST, slap it, never scratch. Also
laying a clean damp washcloth thats been
chilled (freezer) on the tattoo and LIGHTLY
drag your fingers over the itch.